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                                                               54-57 HPA COMPARISON
                                           40                  Our Tippmann HPA M4 comparison: Version 1 to Version 2

                                                               58-59 DOWN RANGE
                                                               G&G’s SR30 is on the horizon.

                                                               61-63 SIDEARM SOLUTIONS
                                                               We get hands-on with Army Armaments’ R28.

                                                               66-67 SNIPER SCHOOL
                                                               Our brand new section on how to become... The Ultimate Sniper!

                                                               68-69 SUBSCRIBE HERE!
                                                               Never miss an issue and get Airsoft International delivered to your door!

                                                               70-71 STORAGE WARS
                                                               M4 rifle magazine pouches understood and explained.

                                                               75-79 THE GOOD GIG GUIDE
                                                               Your difinitive guide on where to play in the United Kingdom.

                                                               82 NEXT ISSUE
                                                               Take a sneak peek at the contents of the next issue.


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