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UAV Countermeasures

       Wiretap Act prevents law enforcement   With the Department of Justice yet to   Fortem also offers the tantalizing
       departments from intercepting “wire,   clarify what RF information commercial   prospect of using its networked True-
       oral or electronic” communications with-  CUAS detection firms may gather, the   View radars in cities to facilitate the air
       out a court order. The pen register law   company is being careful.       traffic management necessary for un-
       prevents the use of pen register or “trap   “We aren’t going inside the [RF] links   manned urban air mobility (UAM).
       and trace” devices that trace telephone   and de-crypting,” Pitsky explains. “There   While that’s a longer term possibility,
       calls, including cellular and, putatively,   are other [commercial] systems that do   the threat from the seven million
       drone communications. The restrictions   that which is a more overt violation of   drones the FAA predicts will be in the
       apply to law enforcement, but the code is   the [pen register laws] than just capturing   air by 2020 cannot be ignored – a lesson
       silent on private CUAS operators, creat-  back addresses transmitted in the clear.”      that Gatwick airport operators learned
       ing confusion and potential liability.   Dedrone’s VP agrees with Fortem’s CTO   in 2018.
         “That’s still in the legal court of de-  that the delay in crafting clear CUAS reg-  “They hadn’t digitized the airspace di-
       bate,” Phil Pitsky, VP of US Federal Oper-  ulations has the industry on pause. That   rectly overhead to have a persistent view
       ations for Virginia-based CUAS provider,   pause affects potential collateral revenue   of a drone,” Timothy Bean asserts. “You
       Dedrone acknowledges. Dedrone differs   as well. The detection technologies and   really need that, especially if it’s going to
       from Fortem in that it principally pro-  forensics touted by CUAS providers could   be replaced by another in 20 minutes.”
       vides detection solutions, leaving miti-  be rich sources of business intelligence.   Counter UAS regulations may be on
       gation to its partners. The company also   “We expect this data to be extremely   hold but there will be no pause in the
       sticks primarily to passive detection,   valuable,” Fortem’s Adam Robertson al-  threat from drones.
       pairing AI with RF detection. Pitsky em-  lows. Robertson points to extant open   This article was written by Eric Tegler,
       phasizes that Dedrone monitors the RF   source business intelligence gathering   Freelance Technical Writer, Fortem Tech-
       environment at the “unclassified level”,   like hedge funds using satellite imagery   nologies (Pleasant Grove, UT). For more in-
       scooping signal data but not personal   to detect corporate employment levels,   formation, visit
       identifiable information (PII).    traffic, and more as precedent.    76503-500.

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